
Solo 401k: Massive Savings Opportunities for the Self-Employed

If you are self-employed (or could be), you should know about a unique retirement savings opportunity: the Solo 401k, also known as the One-Participant 401k plan or the Individual 401k. In fact, the advantages of this savings vehicle are so great, that it may be worthwhile to start your own business.

solo 401k

Quick Facts About the Solo 401k


There are no age or income restrictions, beyond requiring that you have earned income, verified through tax records.

The key is that you must be a business owner with no employees, except for employees who also happen to be your spouse. (And, it may be worthwhile to hire your spouse to increase your contributions. See below.)

Big contribution limits

Total contributions to a participant’s account, including catch-up contributions for those age 50 and over, cannot exceed $76,500 for 2024. For those under 50, total contributions cannot exceed $69,000.

The massive contribution limits are what make the Solo 401k so interesting. The trick is that you can make contributions both as the employer and an employee.

NOTE: Employee contributions may be pre-tax or after-tax (Roth). There is also the option for after-tax non-Roth, but this is very rare and has limited utility. All Employer contributions are pre-tax.

Don’t forget your spouse

In 2024, if your spouse is employed at your company, then they can contribute up to $23,000 to a solo 401(k) as an employee, or 100% of their compensation, whichever is less. This is the same amount that you can contribute as a regular employee. If the spouse is at least 50 years old, they can also do a catch-up contribution of $7,500, for a total employee contribution of $30,500.

In other words, you can contribute a lot.

And, contributions to a Solo 401k do not prevent you from also contributing to other retirement plans like an IRA. You can still contribute the maximum there too, as long as you have income enough to support it.

Great Way to Save and a Phenomenal Way to Catch Up Later in Life

A Solo 401k allows you to make really big contributions to your retirement savings. And, you can even contribute to a Roth account.

Matt is ecstatic about his Solo 401k. He says, “I wish I could have created a Roth earlier, but I have always had financial constraints preventing it — i.e. earnings over a certain amount didn’t allow it, and my 401k plans didn’t offer it — or maybe some did and I never realized it. As it was, I got into 401k plans fairly late since I worked mainly for small companies. But now that I ‘retired’ with a part-time job, I discovered the idea of an Individual (solo) Roth 401k. This is almost too good to be true.”

Huge Tax Benefits

You get all the benefits you would get from a regular 401k or IRA (or even a regular Roth IRA for employee contributions) – just supersized due to the larger contribution limits.

Depending on the type of accounts you use, tax benefits may include:

  • Lower Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
  • Tax-deferred contributions and tax-free growth on earnings
  • Tax deductions for the cost of the plan

Inspiration for Setting Up Your Own Business

Did you know that most successful entrepreneurs started their business after 50? The knowledge you’ve gained over the years give you the skills to go it alone.

Learn more about:

  • Entrepreneurship after 50 – surprising facts
  • 12 retirement business ideas for after 50
  • Ideas for retirees seeking a second career or big life change

12 Big Advantages of a Solo 401k

1. Pro: Running your own business is rewarding.

2. Pro and Con: You need to run your own business and make adequate money to fund your life (if necessary) and the Solo 401k investment.

3. Pro: Massive contribution limits enable you to make up any lost time pretty quickly. This is great if you didn’t save as early or as much as you would have liked.

4. Pro: Many tax benefits – supersized.

5. Pro: You can make up lost time pretty quickly for what was missed in the early years, assuming you don’t actually need too much of the earnings from the self-employment to get by.

6. Pro: Roth options are possible. This is massively compelling to people who wanted to save in a Roth account because they think that tax rates will be higher in the future, but could not due to high earnings.

NOTE: You can only contribute to a Roth plan with your employee contributions, not employer.

7. Pro: Relatively simple to set up.

8. Pro: Flexible investment options.

9. Pro: With a Solo 401k you can borrow up to $50,000 or 50% of your account value — whichever is less — at a low interest rate. The loan can be used for any purpose.

10. Pro: You control the account. You do not need a “custodian” to administer the account.

11. Pro: The plans are easy to operate and don’t generally have any hidden fees.

12. Pro: Solo 401ks allow you to invest in real estate without having to pay the Unrelated Business Taxable Income (UBTI). UBTI taxes are high. Note that there are certain restrictions on the management of real estate held within the account.

Cons to a Solo 401k

There is not much bad to say about a Solo 401k.

1. Con: Some additional paperwork with the IRS after you have $250,000 in the plan.

2. Con: Running your own business can be hard.

3. Con: You can only contribute self-employement earned income.

How to Open a Solo 401k

You need an Employer Identification Number and earned income verified by the IRS, but a solo 401k is easy to open. They are offered by most online brokers.

  1. Acquire an Employer Identification Number. (Apply with the IRS.)
  2. Contact a broker: Vanguard, Schwab, Fidelity, Etrade, etc…
  3. Complete a plan adoption agreement and account application.
  4. Contribute funds. (Employee contributions must be done by the end of the year. However, employer profit-sharing contributions can be done up until your tax filing deadline for the tax year.)
  5. Invest your money in almost any investment offered by your broker.
  6. Once your plan has more than $250,000, you will need to complete Form 5500-SF for the IRS.

How Could a Solo 401k Impact Your Future Wealth and Security?

Just imagine what extra thousands or hundreds of thousands will do to your wealth and security!

Actually, don’t imagine it, find out. Use the NewRetirement Planner to model possible contributions to a Solo 401k (and work income) . See the impact on your lifetime finances.

The post Solo 401k: Massive Savings Opportunities for the Self-Employed appeared first on NewRetirement.

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